Mental Health Stigmas that Need to End Now

Despite the growing acceptance of mental wellness as an integral part of healthcare, far too many negative stigmas about mental health remain. 

Here are the most destructive stigmas surrounding mental health and wellness that must end. 

The Mentally Ill Are Dangerous

Shocked and scared man.
Photo Credit: Prostock-studio via

The biggest stigma surrounding mental health is that people with mental illness are dangerous. Although there is a slight link between some forms of mental illness and increased violence, it’s a far more nuanced discussion than most people realize, and most people with mental illness aren’t dangerous. 

Depressed vs. Depression

A sad, overwhelmed woman examines herself in a mirror.
Photo Credit: Nicoleta Ionescu via

There’s a massive difference between being depressed and struggling with chronic depression, but because of the similarities between the two words, far too many people think they’re the same thing. 

People become depressed when bad things happen. It’s a overwhelming feeling of sadness caused by external events. Depression is a mental health condition caused by brain chemistry. It’s an overwhelming feeling of nothiningness without a clear external cause. 

Other People Have It Worse

Man shrugging as if to say "oh well"
Photo Credit: Cast Of Thousands via

There’s a massive stigma against seeking treatment for mental health concerns because “others have it worse.” It makes no sense because you wouldn’t refuse treatment for a broken wrist because other people have broken legs, would you?

You Can Get Over It

A woman stands with her arms crossed. She has a blank look on her face that says she's over it and is dressed casually.
Photo Credit: Asier Romero via

You can’t just “get over” depression or anxiety. People who don’t struggle with these illnesses don’t understand the severity and assume others can just pull themselves out. It often takes help from a professional for improvement. 


A sad depressed woman sits hugging her knees close to her chest.
Photo Credit: gpointstudio via

So many Veterans suffer from PTSD that the general public thinks it’s a disease limited to veterans. Any trauma can cause PTSD.

Medication = Weakness

Woman taking a few capsules from a bottle of over the counter headache medicine.
Photo Credit: engagestock via

There’s a stigma against treating many known mental health ailments. Taking anti-anxiety meds makes some people think you’re weak, but the truth is realizing there is a problem and seeking help makes you strong. 

It’s Not Real

A skeptical woman dressed in a pink business jacket with her arms crossed.
Photo Credit: via

People with ADHD often hear thousands of armchair psychologists dismiss their struggles. Those with no understanding of ADHD call those with it lazy and think they could function differently if they just tried harder. 

That’s Not What It Looks Like

A sad looking and confused young woman with her hands on her temples to imply that she's wondering "What is wrong with me?"
Photo Credit:

The very same armchair psychologists think they know precisely what each disorder should look like. They think you don’t have ADHD if you’re not loud and obnoxious, or you can’t be struggling with depression if you’re out of bed. 

Many disorders have symptoms you don’t even realize are symptoms, so sufferers would appreciate it if people stopped telling them they “Can’t have X because Y.”

I’m Sooooo “OCD”

An oblivious woman shrugs her shoulders like she doesn't know and doesn't really care.
Photo credit: Prostock-studio via

While it’s great that mental illnesses enjoy far more recognition now than in the past, it’s annoying to hear people constantly self-diagnose with serious illnesses because they have one quirky trait that seems similar. 

You do not have OCD because you like to keep your socks in the drawer, and you do not have ADHD because you don’t want to do chores. 


smiling man wearing college graduation robes and holding a diploma
Photo Credit: Sean Locke Photography via

Certain mental disorders are associated with enhanced intelligence, while others are associated with lower IQ. People with autism may be super intelligent geniuses, but they might also be just as dumb as an average American

Cognitive and congenital disabilities affecting brain function may limit intelligence, but most of the things we think of when we think of “mental health” do not affect intelligence. 

Men’s Mental Health

Sad unsure man scratching his head and doubting himself.
Photo Credit: Asier Romero via

The societal expectation to “man up” and that “men don’t cry” cause millions of men undue anguish. Men are just as likely to have mental health struggles as women, but many don’t seek the help they need because society deems it “unmanly.”

Unhealthy Relationships

An angry man stands behind the couch, yelling at a woman who is sitting on the couch with her hands over her ears.
Photo Credit: LightField Studios via

People suffering from mood disorders and personality disorders like Borderline Personality Disorder or Bipolar disorder often struggle to form relationships, partly due to the stigma associated with these disorders. 

However, most people with these conditions can have healthy relationships, especially if they seek therapy and put in extra effort toward understanding how their condition affects them. 

Having Mental Illness Means You’re Bad

A teenager sits at a desk with her hand on her head looking sadly into space.
Photo Credit: CarlosDavid via

Far too many people suffer in silence because of the negative stigma associated with any type of mental illness. People will flock to the doctor to treat any other ailments but refuse to admit they have a problem with mental health. 

Learn To Love Yourself

man smiling holding a heart cut out over his heart on a red background to show he's in love
Photo Credit: via

Loving yourself is a crucial component to happiness, but it’s not easy for people with mental health problems. People who mean well constantly bombard them with the message that everything would fall into place if they’d just “love themself” but don’t give them any tools or resources to learn how. 

How Journaling Can Boost Your Mental Health

woman smiling and journaling to represent types of journals
Photo Credit; mimagephotography via

Increase your health and wellness with a simple, low cost tool: Journaling. But don’t take our word for it. 

Mental health experts speak out about all the benefits journaling offers


Source: Reddit

Author: Melanie Allen

Title: Journalist

Expertise: Pursuing Your Passions, Travel, Wellness, Hobbies, Finance, Gaming, Happiness

Melanie Allen is an American journalist and happiness expert. She has bylines on MSN, the AP News Wire, Wealth of Geeks, Media Decision, and numerous media outlets across the nation and is a certified happiness life coach. She covers a wide range of topics centered around self-actualization and the quest for a fulfilling life.