Want Work-Life Balance? Move To One of These States!

Work-life balance is essential to a happy life. Unfortunately, far too many people think work is the most critical thing in life, an attitude that seeps into our everyday lives. 

States with the Best Work-Life Balance

Man quietly sitting on a couch with his eyes closed and a calm expression.
Photo Credit: fizkes via Shutterstock.com.

Some state governments are starting to realize that time off is essential for a happy life and work to promote work-life balance for their residents. 

These states are leading the way in employee wellness. 

New Hampshire

Small town of Portsmouth New Hampshire on the lake.
Photo Credit: Sean Pavone via Shutterstock.com.

New Hampshire leads the way with an overall ranking of 8.6 out of 10. The Granite State scored well in rating factors on annual salary, occupational stress, and the number of hours spent working each week. 


aerial view of Salt Lake City in Utah
Photo Credit: Sean Pavone via Shutterstock.com.

Utah placed second on the list, scoring 8.2 out of 10 points. Utah residents have low occupational stress and earn nearly double the US average salary per household. 

South Dakota

The Badlands South Dakota at sunrise
Photo Credit: Brent Coulter via Shutterstock.com.

Mount Rushmore State takes third place, achieving high scores in employee work hours. The high score means employees in South Dakota work fewer hours than average for similar pay. 

New Jersey

Panoramic of New Jersey City skylines.
Photo Credit: Clari Massimiliano via Shutterstock.com.

We swing back east for the 4th spot, with New Jersey residents enjoying less stress at work than average. 


Summer flowers in a Minnesota field with a lake in the background.
Photo Credit: Mitch Boeck via Shutterstock.com.

Minnesota residents enjoy stress-free work days. The state ranked best for reducing occupational stress. 


Mendenhall Glacier Juneau Alaska.
Photo Credit: aarbois via Shutterstock.com.

Alaskans spend the least amount of time working, which means they have the most free time. Alaska ranked sixth overall, achieving a total score of 8 out of 10 on the matrix. 

North Dakota

Sunrise over Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo Credit: ZakZeinert via Shutterstock.com.

North Dakota also scored 8 total points, tying Alaska for sixth place. Alaskans work fewer hours, but North Dakotans are close on their heels. 


Stylized photo of Boston Massachusetts
Photo Credit: Sean Pavone via Shutterstock.com.

Massachusetts scored high marks for reducing occupational stress, but the state’s high overall cost of living likely pushed them down a little. The state achieved a total of 7.9 out of 10 points. 


Annapolis harbor in Maryland
Photo Credit: Sean Pavone via Shutterstock.com.

Shockingly, Maryland ranked high in the occupational stress category unless they omitted commuters working nearby Washington, DC. The state ranked slightly below Massachusetts overall, scoring 7.8.


Skyline of Des Moines Iowa.
Photo Credit: f11photo via Shutterstock.com.

Iowa represents the Midwest in the top ten, tying with Maryland at 7.8. Iowa residents enjoy fewer working hours on average. 


man analyzing big map of data
Photo Credit: NicoElNino via Shutterstock.com.

Tech experts at Hostinger conducted the research, comparing numerous factors to determine which states enjoyed the best work-life balance. The variables included average working hours, occupational stress, living wage, average salary, and retirement savings guidelines. 

Hostinger assumed that these factors would provide hints as to which states prioritize wellness over work. 

Importance of Work-Life Balance

Woman balancing on a tightrope with college and career behind her and love and family ahead of her.
Photo Credit: alphaspirit.it via Shutterstock.com.

Work-life balance is more than just a buzzword. Americans are starting to learn that there’s more to life than work. 

Our families, passions, and self-care activities are all vital to a healthy, well-rounded life. 

America’s Toxic Work Culture

man at work looks really bored and unhappy
Photo Credit: Minerva Studio via Shutterstock.com.

Our work culture is destroying us, but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

America’s Toxic Work Culture

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Photo Credit: solarseven via Shutterstock.com.

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Photo Credit: mimagephotography via Shutterstock.com.

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Where Did Your State Land?

Map of continental United States.
Photo Credit: Jim Pruitt via Shutterstock.com.

Here’s the complete list  – see where your state ranked!

State Overall Ranking
New Hampshire 8.62
Utah 8.24
South Dakota 8.22
New Jersey 8.09
Minnesota 8.07
Alaska 8.00
North Dakota 7.96
Massachusetts 7.88
Maryland 7.87
Iowa 7.81
Connecticut 7.75
Nebraska 7.72
Virginia 7.63
Washington 7.59
Colorado 7.56
Kansas 7.54
Hawaii 7.52
Vermont 7.50
Rhode Island 7.41
Wisconsin 7.37
Missouri 7.32
Ohio 7.30
Idaho 7.26
Pennsylvania 7.24
Wyoming 7.19
Tennessee 7.17
Montana 7.13
Delaware 7.13
Maine 7.09
Mississippi 7.08
California 7.05
Illinois 7.01
Indiana 7.00
Oregon 7.00
Oklahoma 6.97
Arkansas 6.95
Alabama 6.92
Kentucky 6.89
Texas 6.88
New York 6.85
Georgia 6.82
Michigan 6.81
Nevada 6.77
Florida 6.72
South Carolina 6.70
North Carolina 6.67
Arizona 6.63
New Mexico 6.58
West Virginia 6.39
Louisiana 6.06

Author: Melanie Allen

Title: Journalist

Expertise: Pursuing Your Passions, Travel, Wellness, Hobbies, Finance, Gaming, Happiness

Melanie Allen is an American journalist and happiness expert. She has bylines on MSN, the AP News Wire, Wealth of Geeks, Media Decision, and numerous media outlets across the nation and is a certified happiness life coach. She covers a wide range of topics centered around self-actualization and the quest for a fulfilling life.