The poor live a life that the rich can’t fathom. But at least they have a sense of humor about it!
One optimistic yet financially hindered person came to a popular forum for people lacking wealth, asking folks to share the best “You know you’re poor when…” jokes.
Leaving the Oven Open
You know you’re poor when you refuse to waste the sweet heat from an oven in winter. Keeping that door open while the oven cools will help spread that heat throughout the house.
Damp Clothes
People without their own laundry machines all share the frustration of damp clothing. Sometimes, the laundry mat dryer doesn’t get everything dry, but you don’t have enough money to run them through again.
$20 Bucks!
Twenty dollars is nothing to some, but finding a spare twenty-dollar bill can improve a poor person’s entire month!
Rich folks use candles for the scent and the ambiance, but poor folks use candles to see at night without paying for electricity.
We are not the same.
Free Condiments
Why pay for condiments when you can collect the ones that come free from fast food restaurants? Though most folks have random ketchup packets, low-income people have special storage places to ensure they always have some on hand.
Poor people can’t stand to part with things because they never know when they’ll need it. Empty jars, old possessions, random cords, and spare parts all might come in handy someday, and they won’t be able to afford to buy it if they need it.
Getting Every Last Drop
Poor folks know how to make things last. Mixing water with detergent and shampoo can make these costly necessities last an extra week.
Zero Waste
Zero waste may be the hot new trend, but poor folks roll their eyes at these new influencers “discovering” the secrets they’ve used for decades.
The poor stick with reusable products like diapers, plates, and towels because washing and reusing is far cheaper than using disposable products.
Gas Money
Some folks scoff when people use food stamps to purchase things like soda but don’t realize the second-order benefits. Pop provides a ton of calories and sugar to help people get through the day, and people can recycle cans and bottles for gas money.
Flags as Curtains
Sometimes, people decorate with flags because they can’t afford curtains. You know you’re poor when you must rely on flags, sheets, and blankets to block the windows.
Winter Recipes
Poor folks don’t use the oven in the summer. That would heat the house too much. Many things can only be cooked in the winter.
A Special Treat
Poor kids celebrate their birthdays at McDonald’s because that’s all their parents can afford. You know you’re poor when your weekly special treat is a fast food dollar menu meal.
Taking Extra
Toilet paper is a necessity. You know you’re really poor when you take a bit extra every time you use a public toilet for use at home.
Free Tupperware
Why buy Tupperware when you can use sour cream canisters and take-out containers? You know you’re poor when you’re entire Tupperware collection was sourced from takeout and grocery items.
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Source: Reddit