You’ll never be bored when you can draw!
Drawing or doodling doesn’t just alleviate boredom. It can also help with concentration and keep you focused. It gives you something to do in your spare time and improves your artistic skills.
The best part is that anyone can reap the benefits, even those lacking artistic abilities. Our epic list of fun things to draw will inspire you to pick up your pencil and start sketching.
Table of Contents
Fun Things to Draw When You’re Bored
Drawing to alleviate boredom is entirely different than drawing for artistry or mastering drawing techniques.
It’s fun and therapeutic, engaging and entertaining. Don’t worry about whether you’re “good” at drawing – that’s not the point (as you’ll soon see from our examples!).
Even people who don’t enjoy drawing or think they’re bad at it can benefit from doodling when bored.
We made this list to provide fun and inspiration so everyone can reap the benefits of drawing for self-care and boredom relief.
As such, the examples aren’t all going to be perfect specimens of art. They’re fast, ridiculous doodles made for fun. Some are so bad they’re good, while others are just plain bad – but if you’re critiquing the artwork, you’ve missed the point.
Of course, artists can still benefit. Practicing a skill is the absolute best way to improve. So, if you are an artist looking for more things to draw, don’t despair. This list can help you, too!
Dive into over 100 ideas of things to draw when you’re bored!
Doodling the Boredom Away
Doodles are the best things to draw when bored! They come in all sorts of fantastic shapes and sizes, and they’re the first thing we turn to when spacing out in a staff meeting.
You’re probably wondering why we started our list with such a simple concept.
We want to encourage doodling!
Everything you draw doesn’t need to serve an artistic purpose. Doodling helps us stay awake in class, pay attention to a speaker, or meditate via drawing.
Here are our favorite ways to doodle.
Literal Doodles
Draw lines and squiggles across the page. Make fun and creative designs with your loops.
Draw your name in different lettering styles. Here are some ABC’s draw in block letters, but you can try writing your name in cursive, blocks, or other fancy lettering to see how it looks.
Whether in a square, circle, or labyrinth, it’s always fun to move your pencil around and try to find a way out.
Stained Glass Windows
Draw a box. Then, draw random lines, both rounded and straight, inside the box.
Now, you have a square with interesting shapes inside. Use colored pencils to shade in the different shapes, making a spectacular and creative image.
I made this image in Microsoft Paint, so it’s technically not a drawing, but the concept works with colored pencils or crayons. It’s a relaxing way to draw and color the boredom away.
Geometric Shapes
Squares and circles are fun but expand upon that to create cubes and full boxes. Draw triangles, pyramids, and cylinders to mix it up a bit. Here’s a simple drawing of a three-dimensional box.
Things to Draw from Television
Doodles can only take you so far.
Drawing random letters and shapes is fun for a while, but sometimes, we have too much time on our hands, and the doodles aren’t enough to alleviate boredom.
Imagery from television, movies, and the media make perfect things to draw when you’re bored.
Here are some ideas, mainly sourced from Pinterest, to get you started!
Many big brands and sports teams feature unique logos that are fun and easy to draw. Find one you love and learn to perfect it!
The Chicago Bulls logo was my favorite thing to draw as a child. I grew up in Chicago in the 1990s, so of course, I was a fan, but the logo is really cool! It’s bursting with unique lines and shapes, making it an ideal image for drawing practice.
Here’s a Pinterest tutorial on how to draw the Bull’s logo so you can relive my childhood with me!
Cartoon Characters
Your favorite cartoon characters are always great go-tos for things to draw when you’re bored. Try drawing Homer Simpson, Scooby-Doo, or SpongeBob.
To get you started, here’s a quick guide on how to draw Bart Simpson.
Manga and Anime have unique art styles and diverse characters.
Here’s how to draw a character from the popular anime My Hero Academia, which gives you an excellent baseline for anime character design.
If the character is too simple, try drawing a full set from your favorite movie, show, or game. Draw the Simpson’s couch, the Central Perk Coffee Shop, Mario hitting a power-up block, or the cantina at Mos Eisley.
Here’s a drawing of Monica and Rachel’s apartment in Friends.
Movie props are always a big hit. Try drawing the Starship Enterprise, the Ring of Power, or the leg lamp from A Christmas Story.
Here’s an easy example of how to draw a lightsaber from Star Wars.
What is your favorite movie prop? You’d probably enjoy drawing it!
What’s your favorite brand or sports team? Do they have a mascot?
Draw Tony the Tiger, Mr. Peanut, or the Michelin Man!
Here’s an example of how to draw Uncle Rich from the hit board game Monopoly.
Look around your house at the products you use every day. Which mascots could be fun to draw?
Easy Animals to Draw
Many people draw animals when they are bored. You can choose an easy, cartoony animal or try to make it more natural-looking.
Learning how to draw these simple animals is a crucial first step for those looking for more than just a doodle.
I love drawing cat faces, even though I’m no good at it. It’s easy, fun, and represents one of my favorite things!
Draw a circle with triangle ears, two eyes, and a button nose connected to a W, then add some lines for whiskers.
Voila! You’ve got yourself a cat!
More advanced artists may want to experiment with drawing a cat’s entire body, either standing with the tail up in an “S” shape or lounging in one of the many fun ways cats tend to lounge.
Lions are more fun to draw than normal cats because of their great manes!
There are lots of different ways you can draw dogs. Here’s a goofy cartoon-looking dog with a big head, huge eyes, and a tiny little body.
Due to the mass variation in dog breeds, there’s a lot you can do when drawing dogs.
You can draw a floppy-eared puppy, a pointy-eared attack dog, or even a full-bodied pointer showing the way. Try drawing your favorite breed and see what you can come up with.
Fish can be as easy or complicated as you make them. We drew these fish using simple shapes and squiggles, making them easy for even beginners.
Birds standing up are far easier to draw than birds in flight or birds in the nest. This cartoon character bird took only a few pen strokes to draw.
There are vast possibilities in drawing birds due to the massive species variation. Try drawing a flamingo standing on one leg or an eagle diving for his prey.
All the different types and activities of birds provide endless ideas for things to draw!
Challenging Animals to Draw
If you want to learn how to draw animals, try these more exotic-looking creatures. Their unique features make them more fun to draw!
Natural frogs with bulging eyes and fat bodies are tricky to draw, but you can also try drawing anthropomorphic frogs like Kermit.
The insect kingdom hosts more diversity than any other animal group, making them ideal subjects for drawing.
Butterflies are gorgeous and fun to draw, while flies are ugly and dull.
You can draw ants and spiders with simple doodles, but if you want a challenge, try drawing stick insects, dragonflies, or beetles.
Llamas are a cross between a horse, a camel, and a giraffe. Some might find them easy to draw, but the odd proportions make them a bit of a challenge.
With their long hind legs and babies in pouches, kangaroos are challenging to draw. Our Kangaroo is wearing boxing gloves, and ready for his big fight!
An elephant’s trunk is more challenging to draw than you would think!
More Animals
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The animal kingdom is as diverse as it is majestic. There are thousands of different animals you can try drawing, and if you genuinely wish to enhance your skill as an artist, thousands of books are available on Amazon.
Some help artists draw realistic animals, while others are simplistic and better for novices or cartooning.
Here are some resources available to teach you how to draw animals.
Mythical Creatures that are Fun to Draw
Mythical animals can be even more fun to draw than real animals. These creatures have bonus features, extra heads, and wings that allow your imagination to soar.
They are, however, far more challenging to draw, so most of these are sourced from Pinterest. Trust me, you don’t want to see me try to draw any of these!
Draw your favorite winged horse! Here’s a simple guide to drawing a cartoon Pegasus found on Pinterest.
A centaur is a half horse, half man. The horse’s body might be easy to draw, but getting the human features of the upper body and face could be a challenge.
However, drawing a stick figure centaur is a lot easier and just as fun!
A Satyr is a person with goat legs.
They walk upright on two legs and are known for being mischievous. One is also the star of one of the most famous paintings of all time. If that’s not enough inspiration, check out these drawings of satyrs in different positions.
With the head of an eagle and the body of a lion, drawing a griffin will put your artistic chops to the test. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to draw one.
One of the easier mythical creatures to draw is the hydra, a simple snake with nine heads.
This one only has three heads, but these are mythical creatures, so feel free to let your imagination soar.
Will you draw a scary Medieval dragon or a friendly Chinese dragon? Our dragon is defending his horde of gold!
Things to Draw from the Imagination
Some of the best sketches come from our imaginations. Use yours to let your fantasies come to life with these fun drawing ideas.
Draw tentacle eyeballs on almost anything, and you’ve got yourself an alien.
Drawing aliens allows you to be creative and add appendages that earthly creatures don’t typically have.
If drawing shapes was fun, why not try putting those shapes together in interesting ways to create a robot?
Use a box for the body, cylinders for the arms and legs, and a triangle for the head. If you want to get really creative, you can turn your robots into characters and make an entire scene out of them.
Monsters are fun to draw because you can add teeth and claws for various effects. Like drawing aliens, you can let your imagination go wild to draw things from nightmares.
You can start with an evil face and fangs if you’re a novice.
If you aren’t good at imagining things, you can try to draw classic monsters like mummies, vampires, and werewolves.
The Floorplan for your Dream House
Design your dream home! Where would the master bedroom go? Would you install secret tunnels?
Designing a killer floor plan is always a good time, but it’s not something you usually see on lists of things to draw.
Your Own Cartoon Character
Once you master the art of cartooning by drawing iconic cartoons, let your creativity guide you as you design your own original cartoon characters.
Think about their hair, how they dress, and how you will shape their eyes. They can be either human, animal, or monster. Making your own character is fun because it can be whatever you want it to be!
Here, we’ve created a cartoon chef with a tentacle for one hand.
Drawing People
Drawing people is not as easy as it seems. It takes a lot of artistic skill to depict humans’ nuanced expressions.
Learning to draw people is typically a top priority for aspiring artists.
However, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you aren’t an art student or professional artist, you can draw people for your own entertainment without worrying about getting things anatomically correct.
Have fun with it, get up close, and use different perspectives to sketch people and figures.
I’ve seen portrait artists sketch incredible likenesses of real people’s faces. If you want to enhance your skill as an artist, trying your hand at portraits is a great idea.
Many artists use charcoal pencils because this medium makes shading easier. Even with specialized tools, drawing faces is one of the most challenging skills to master.
However, if you aren’t trying to master the craft, try drawing silly two-dimensional faces instead. Draw spikey hair, cartoon-like eyes, or giant noses. Have fun experimenting with different facial expressions and facial features. Let your silliness win out over your need for perfection.
Stick Figures
Stick figures are fun to draw. Sure, you are never going to be a famous artist if you stick to stick figures, but when you’re drawing for your enjoyment, that doesn’t matter.
Create fun, stick-figure characters, and never let anyone tell you they aren’t good enough.
People in General
Once you master (or get bored with!) faces and expressions, try drawing full human figures. Dress them in jeans, shorts, and skirts. Add accessories like hats, glasses, or handbags. Explore the personalities of the people you create with fun styles and accessories.
Things to Draw from Nature
Nature is inspirational. There’s nothing better than taking your sketchbook or art journal out to the woods and drawing what you see. Here are some of the best things to draw from nature for beginners and experienced artists alike!
The diversity found in trees is awe-inspiring. Draw a mighty oak or a weeping willow. Get festive by drawing a Christmas tree or daydreaming about beach vacations with palm trees.
Here is a simple cartoon tree to show people without artistic skills that it’s okay to take the easiest route sometimes.
Spindly cacti come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Draw a simple round cactus with spikes or the quintessential cactus with its two arms.
Mountains are easy to draw, even for those not blessed with drawing skills (like me!). Draw an upside “V” and add a squiggly to represent snow. Connect a few and you’ve got yourself a mountain range!
We’ve added some V shapes in the sky to represent a flock of birds for an easy-to-draw scene.
Although flowers are typically a go-to for most doodlers, they are much harder to draw than you’d think. Getting the petals right is a challenge, so rather than showcase all my failures, I’ve sourced a great guide on drawing flowers from Pinterest.
One of the more complicated natural features to draw is the waterfall. It’s not easy to get the texture right to ensure that the falls look like water and the surrounding areas look like rocky cliffs, but it’s fun to draw if you’re up to the challenge.
Drawing Structures
Artificial structures can be just as fun to draw as natural ones. Here are some of the best ones to draw!
A lighthouse is just fun. Try drawing it by itself or as part of a scene with a rocky shore and sailboat.
Houses and Cabins
Will you draw a house in the suburbs or a log cabin in the woods? This image is a sketch of a suburban home with imaginative round windows on the side.
What unique features will your home have?
Draw a gothic cathedral-like Notre Dame, a rounded Byzantine church, or the traditional church with a steeple that is common in many neighborhoods.
Castles are fun to draw because they are so massive. Will you draw a medieval fortress or a Disney Castle? What creature will hold your castle up?
Start with a simple canoe, then work your way up to drawing a massive cruise liner. Here’s a simple sketch of a boat to get you started.
Cars, pickup trucks, and tractor-trailers are all fun things to draw. Start with the basic outline of a car, and add fun features later to make the car of the future!
Household Items That Are Fun to Draw
You might be surprised at how many items you have lying around the house that would be perfect for your sketchbook.
Although I’ve listed a few here, the options are endless.
Glance around you. What do you see? What nearby items would be fun to draw?
Draw a simple hammer, or test your skills by drawing a circular saw. Check the shed and garage for ideas on fun shapes you can try drawing.
A vase with its pleasant curves is an excellent prop for beginners. Spice it up by adding a flower!
Try drawing floor lamps, reading lamps, and even piano lamps. There’s more diversity in lamp drawing than you might realize. Here’s a simple lamp you’d find on a nightstand, but if you look around your house, I’m sure you will find a ton of lighting inspiration.
Lamps are a unique option for more experienced artists as well.
When you turn the light on, look at the way the light hits the objects around. How can you draw the light pattern to create a unique image? Where do the shadows from the lampshade fall? Seeing these light patterns will help you become a better artist.
Do you have a television remote or a game controller? These everyday household items usually have various shapes on them and make fun drawings.
When you’ve drawn the controller, why not try drawing some of your other electronics? Sketch your television, radio, and even computer. These objects may seem simple, but they are much more fun to draw than you think.
Draw a coffee mug, and give it some flair by adding steam or a plate of cookies.
Draw from Science for Great Doodle Ideas
Science helps us learn about the world around us and the intricate workings of the universe.
But it also inspires us to find new and interesting things to draw that were unheard of a century ago.
Here are some fun things you can try drawing with a scientific spin!
A simple, round planet like the Earth is boring, but try drawing Saturn with its gorgeous rings or Jupiter with its iconic red spot and moons!
A Solar System
If you get tired of drawing a single planet, why not try putting them in orbit around the sun?
It’s weird how eerily similar an atom looks to a solar system. Draw the nucleus with circling electrons, and see how similar it is to that solar system you just drew.
Or, take the easy way out and draw a couple of interlocking circles with a clump in the middle to represent the nucleus.
Single Cell Organism
Most complex cells have a variety of parts inside, which can be represented with simple squiggles and shapes.
Will your cell move with cilia or with a flagellum?
I chose a flagellum (the little tail structure) for this one, but you could add the little hairs around yours to represent cilia.
You can also try drawing a group of cells – add a cell wall if you want to get technical and draw plant cells!
Scientific Equipment
Microscopes, stethoscopes, telescopes, and other scientific equipment have so many moveable parts that they are always a pleasure to draw!
Fun Foods to Draw
Food is fun to draw because you usually have some props available at home. Search your pantry and refrigerator for interesting-shaped food items to draw, or choose some of the easy-to-draw pieces on this list.
Draw a single banana or draw them by the bunch.
A single grape is not fun to draw, but a bunch of grapes can be exciting.
Pineapple is a fun fruit to draw because its body has a lot of texture and an interesting crown.
More Fun Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are fun to draw because they come in various shapes and colors. Dragon fruits have whispy fingers, broccoli has interesting, textured crowns, artichokes have stiff leaves, and tons of other fruits and vegetables with intricate shapes make for challenging drawings.
Take a stroll through your grocery store’s produce section for more inspiration!
Pizza is one of the most straightforward food items to draw. All you have to do is draw a circle and cut it into triangles with a few lines. Add little circles for pepperonis, and you have an easy pizza! To make it more challenging, try drawing a single slice or getting creative with the toppings.
Draw a layer cake with a cut-out slice, a pie, or fancy cupcakes. This fun cupcake has a candle on top.
Drawing Still Lifes
A still-life is one of the first things that artists learn, whether it be a sketch or a painting. It’s a pre-set scene you’re supposed to draw from life.
Although many artists start with a still life of a single piece of fruit, such as a lemon, a still life is usually a composite of a few different items.
Try drawing some of these iconic still-life scenes.
Fruit Bowl
A bowl with apples, oranges, grapes, and bananas offers a wide variety of shapes and colors for experimentation.
Any meal would make a great still life, but there is something beautiful about breakfast foods and coffee.
Tea Set
A tea kettle with cute little teacups and saucers would make a fabulous addition to any sketchbook. Add a sugar bowl and creamer for a complete set!
We talked about flowers and vases individually, but you can create a gorgeous still life by combining the two in a spectacular scene. You can also put a flower in a pot to create an inspiring work of art.
Table Setting
A table setting usually includes plates, cups, and silverware, but you can give it some flair by adding a fancy centerpiece and salt & pepper shakers. Here’s a sketch of a fancy table setting complete with chairs, a tablecloth, and candles!
How Did I Create These Images?
Although we sourced some examples from Pinterest, most were drawn here at home!
I created these images with my Huion drawing tablet. Although it is not as recognizable as the Wacom drawing tablet, it clearly gets the job done. I then used the new Windows whiteboard program to draw with the gorgeous Galaxy pen, which gave all my drawings a colorful effect.
- Kamvas Pro 16 (4K) Series
- Price: $829.00
- Kamvas 12
- Price: $219.00
- Huion HS610
- Price: $79.99
- Inspiroy Q11K V2
- Price: $139.00
Drawing a Scene Can Be More Fun Than Drawing an Item
Thus far, most of these fun things to draw have been specific items. However, those who are more experienced or want an additional challenge should consider drawing a full scene. Here is a saveable graphic of scenes you can draw to get started. The text list is below for those who can’t access the graphic.
40 Scenes to Draw When You’re Bored
A grocery store checkout line
A Baseball Game
Your broom closest
A man fixing a leak
A T-Rex Fighting a Triceratops
The view from the passenger seat of your car
An elderly couple on a park bench
A wrench set
The intersection nearest your home
A person from the 1950s using a pay phone
A woman playing guitar
A table and chairs
A bag of groceries
A row of houses
The bartender pouring drinks at a favorite bar
An underwater city
Dandelions in a field with varying degrees of seeding
Mt. Rushmore
Cats playing in a cat tree
Your bathroom
A Pirate captaining his ship
Robins in a nest
A covered bridge
A scene from your favorite book
A small round table with a round tablecloth and a vase
A man with a pipe reading a magazine
The contents of your sock drawer
A recording studio
A family picnic
The perfect day
A lumberjack cutting down a tree with a chainsaw
A family of bunnies frolicking
A homestead
A person walking in the rain with an umbrella
A baby chicken hatching from its egg
The food court at a shopping mall
A rack filled with clothing
A science lab
A mechanic’s shop
The princess trapped in her tower
More Drawing Resources
If you’re serious about drawing as a craft and art, you will need more than a list of drawing ideas. There are books, courses, and specific tools that will improve your artistic ability and get you on your way to making art for a profit.
Art Courses
Udemy is one of the best platforms for learning a new skill online. They have a wide variety of courses on drawing, from beginners’ classes on how to draw and measure shapes in space to advanced courses on perspective drawing or how to draw a human face.
Search Udemy’s selection of art classes today!
Another great option is New Master’s Academy, an online platform dedicated to learning art. With courses in drawing, painting, and art theory, it’s a great option for artists looking to polish their crafts.
Art Books
Thousands of art books are available to help you learn how to draw nearly any subject. Put "how to draw" in the bookshop search widget below to browse thousands of books!
Drawing Supplies
If you are just doodling, a simple pen and paper will do. However, to take drawing seriously, you should invest in a good art journal, a high-quality set of sketching pencils or art markers, and a good drawing pad or sketchbook.
If you want to take your art digital, you should get a drawing tablet like the Huion tablet we used!
Start Drawing!
Now that you have over 100 ideas of things to draw, what are you waiting for? Grab your sketchbook and start doodling!