Travelers Share the Worst Things That Happened on Vacation

A vacation should be an escape. It lets us loosen the shackles for a little while and experience how life would be if we didn’t have to work. 

Sometimes life has other plans, though, offering brutal reminders that things don’t stop just because you’re on vacation. Here, travelers share the worst things that happened when they were supposed to relax. 


Woman smiling in a dentists share with a dentist behind her, their hands are near her mouth.
Photo Credit: Dean Drobot via

One day we’re okay, and the next, we’re curled up in agony over a toothache. One user shared that they developed a horrific toothache while exploring the wilderness in Wyoming. They had to take precious vacation time for an emergency dental visit. 


A patient inside a hospital quarantine room. The doctors are in Tyvek biohazard suits.
Photo Credit: Mongkolchon Akesin via

Some countries have severe and deadly diseases, enacting quarantines to ensure public health. One traveler was detained in Tanzania and held under quarantine on suspicion of Ebola. Thankfully they didn’t have it. 


A woman wearing a hospital mask looks longingly out the window.
Photo Credit: Luca Lorenzelli via

Thousands of travelers had their trips canceled or involuntarily extended when the COVID pandemic shut the world down. Some spent thousands of dollars to enjoy the inside of their hotel rooms for ten days. 

Food Poisoning

A woman covers her mouth while eating and looks like she's about to be sick.
Photo Credit: Nicoleta Ionescu via

Eating Thai food in Bangkok airport before boarding a 14-hour flight to Los Angeles isn’t the answer. Food poisoning is one of the worst ailments a person can suffer, and it’s even worse when you’re experiencing it thousands of feet in the air. 


Back of a police man. He's wearing a bullet proof vest and has the word "police" in yellow letters across his back.
Photo Credit: Photo Spirit via

We can’t know when terrorists will strike. Far too many travelers find themselves in the midst of a terror attack. 

“I got to Manhattan on September 9th for a nice stress-free week visiting friends who lived in NYC,” said one user, referring to a trip from 2001. “I still have nightmares.”

Missing the Point

A man sits alone in an airport terminal burying his head in he lap.
Photo Credit: Song_about_summer via

One traveler said they were traveling to see their favorite band, but their flights were delayed, so they missed the concert. 

Broken Bones

Close up of a man cradling his casted arm with his good arm.
Photo Credit: J.AMPHON via

Suffering an injury is awful regardless of where you are, but it’s even worse when you’re far from home in a place where you’re supposed to be having fun. 

An Invasion

Ruins of buildings representing a warzone.
Photo Credit: Polarpx via

We don’t consider possible invasions when planning our luxury vacations. Some folks find themselves in the middle of an unexpected warzone, especially those who decided to visit Ukraine last spring. 


Woman holding up a sign that says "we need a change" in a crowd.
Photo Credit: Ground Picture via

Protests can erupt at any moment. You never know when the government will enact a new law that the people view as a final straw. Tourists traveling through the Middle East during the Arab Spring know all too well how dangerous that can be. 


A collapsed road and power line.
Photo Credit: austinding via

You never know when nature will unleash its fury. One traveler shared that they were in New Zealand when the massive 7.8 quake rumbled through the country. It cracked roads and decimated the infrastructure, leaving them stranded without water or electricity for three days. 

No Power

Tourist standing in front of a cruise ship, looking at the ship.
Photo Credit: Zigres via

Cruises are the easy option. You simply arrive, and everything is handled for you. That is unless a fire destroys the engine room and your ship loses power. When that happens, you must battle the crowds for food and do your business in a hazmat bag. 

You Only Have to Worry About Earthquakes When Visiting California

picture of palm trees pointing toward the sky
Photo Credit: Tonktiti via

California is a massive state with a huge variety of cities, ecosystems, and things to do. Find out the best the Golden State has to offer and start planning your visit!

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Bad Things Happen Anyway, So You May As Well Enjoy Your Life

The words bucket list in bold with some travel graphics, like a map, camera, and photos, spread around beneath it
Photo Credit: via

Here are the best things to add to your bucket list for a life of fullfilment. 

Very Little Goes Wrong in Texas

barn with the Texas Lone Star flag painted on the roof
Photo Credit: Joe Belanger via

Planning a trip to the Lone Star State? With four iconic cities and miles of wilderness, it’s tough to decide what to do!

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The Best Places to Visit in the US

map of portion of the US covered with sunglasses, magnifying glass, and other travel icons
Photo Credit: Alexander Lukatskiy via

The US bursts with cool cities, gorgeous national parks, and niche cousines. There’s something for everyone to enjoy in the diverse country!

Here’s the Best Places to Visit in the US for your specific travel goals!

Things To Do in Georgia

Picture of the fountain at Forsyth Park in Savannah Georgia
Photo Credit: Sean Pavone via

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Source: Reddit