Do you want to quit working before your traditional retirement age?
What's your intended yearly income in retirement?
Which aspect of the FIRE movement is most appealing to you?
What do you like about your current job?
You hit your FI number. Will You Still Work?
What do you hate about your current job?
Where do you imagine yourself living?
Is your healthcare covered in your FIRE plan?
What three words are most appealing to you?
What Type of FIRE are You?
Passion FIRE
You don’t want to quit working entirely, but you want to do something that adds value to your life. It's time to trade the office job for something related to your passion. Work that delights is a top priority.
Learn More About Passion Fire:
Barista FIRE
Deadlines, spreadsheets, and stress – oh my! You wouldn’t mind working if it wasn't so anxiety-inducing!
Trade in short deadlines for a relaxing job putting books away or selling surfboards. You'll earn pocket money and get out of the house to socialize with coworkers but won’t have to deal with the stress of a fast-paced environment.
Learn More about Barista FIRE:
Coast FIRE
The bills are paid, life is comfortable, and you like your job, so why rock the boat? Your life vest is fastened, and everything is smooth sailing ahead.
Coast FIRE lets you live for today because your future is secure. You can’t quit your job, but you enjoy working, so who cares?
Learn more about Coast FIRE:
You hate working so much you'll sacrifice creature comforts if it means you don't have to go back to the office.
Lean FIRE forces you to live frugally, but you get to live for yourself, and that's a huge bonus.
Learn More about Lean FIRE:
You want it all, and you can have it!
Fat Fire is perfect for those with tons of money to blow. You don't want to work, but you refuse to sacrifice the finer things in life. You may have to work longer to save enough money, but living the life you've always wanted without limitations is worth it.
Traditional FI
Traditional FIRE is the movement that started it all.
You don't want to work at all, but you want to enjoy the same quality of life you had while employed. You’re not living high on the hog but want to enjoy all life’s bounties.
Learn More about Financial Independence:
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