Is Your Relationship Toxic? Flee if You Notice Any of These Red Flags!

When you’re wearing rose-colored glasses, red flags look like normal flags. It’s hard to take the love goggles off and view your relationship from an outside perspective. 

Toxic Relationships

man and woman sitting awkwardly together on a couch.
Photo Credit: Voyagerix via

We often fall into toxic, harmful relationships and don’t notice the unhealthy dynamic. 

While scrolling through a popular internet community, I came across a thread asking users to share the blaring warnings that a relationship is toxic. 

You may want to reconsider your relationship if any of these bright flags are waving. 

Obsessive Check-ins

Man holding phone looking like he's concentrating hard.
Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi via

It’s healthy to occasionally check in with your partner, especially if you’re staying somewhere late, traveling, or stopping to pick stuff up. 

My 57-year-old colleague constantly has to send videos and pics of him working to his wife,” shared one user. 

Asking for constant updates on whereabouts and activities is controlling and showcases a massive lack of trust in the relationship. 

They Always Win

couple sitting at a table. Man looks happy, woman looks bored.
Photo Credit: Ruslan Shugushev via

Relationships are about compromise. In a healthy dynamic, partners will listen to each other and give in a little on certain things to make each other happy. 

Some relationships don’t work that way, and one partner will steamroll the other, constantly getting what they want despite any objections the other has. 


A slightly shocked, slightly angry woman has her hand up in disbelief.
Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi via

A little jealousy is fine, we’re all human and we all have emotions. Acting out on jealousy by checking texts and balking any time your partner mentions the opposite sex is a problem. 

Inability to Listen

man sticking a finger in each ear so he doesn't have to listen.
Photo Credit: Ollyy via

Communication is challenging but vital in a relationship. We often forget that communication is about listening just as much as it’s about talking. 


woman wearing pink sweater on a blue bacground screaming in rage.
Photo Credit: Master1305 via

Some folks will pretend they want open communication, but they really want their partner to listen to everything they want and never raise any complaints. While stressing that they want communication, they’ll start a fight whenever you bring something up. 

One user said it’s a red flag if “every time you bring anything up, they get mad and start an argument.”

Fighting Means Passion

man yelling at his girlfriend
Photo Credit: Ollyy via

Television gave us a highly unhealthy view of relationships. Even the iconic hero Buffy from the hit 90s series Buffy the Vampire Slayer equated love with fights and drama. 

Although Buffy was trying to subvert the trope and showcase how messed up it is, it’s all too commonly portrayed as “true love” in mainstream media, and people internalize it. 

Constantly Breaking Up

husband making pleading gestures to his wife who is clearly upset
Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem via

If a relationship is meant to be, you wouldn’t constantly break up and get back together. The inability to solve your problems without resorting to breaking up is a glaring red flag that something isn’t right in the relationship. 

Bad Mouthing

man making a face of displeasure while giving the thumbs down signal with both hands
Photo Credit: My Ocean Production via

Why would you bad-mouth someone you profess to love to all your friends, family, and colleagues when they’re not around?

“’I’ve listened to so many people complain about their partners, and I just wonder: WHY are y’all together!? If I get a chance to talk about my bf, you can bet I’ll start dishing out everything I love about him,” said one user. 

No Life

man at work looks really bored and unhappy
Photo Credit: Minerva Studio via

It can be hard to identify controlling behavior early in a relationship. It’s like a frog in boiling water, it gets slowly hotter, and you don’t realize you’re cooking until it’s too late. 

A partner who questions your friends and hobbies and works to prevent you from having any type of life outside them is a huge red flag. You’ll eventually find yourself with no friends, no hobbies, and no life, which makes it even easier for them to control you. 

Calling You Controlling Because They Wont Contribute

A wife sadly holds a basket of laundry while her husband naps on the couch.
Photo Credit: Twinsterphoto via

Responsibilities should come first. All too often, one partner ditches all their responsibilities and calls the other “controlling” when they’re expected to contribute to the household. 

“A partner that complains you spend too much time playing video games when you are just dating and don’t even live together is probably being controlling. A partner that complains you spend too much time playing video games when you’ve got three kids together might actually be saying that they feel the labor distribution in your house is unfair,” clarified one user. 

Inability To React

scared woman on blue background.
Photo Credit: Cast Of Thousands via

If you find yourselves walking on eggshells, unable to say anything or defend yourself against inappropriate behavior, you may be in a toxic relationship. 


Popular meme with man obvioulsy checking out a woman as she passes by while his girlfriend looks at him in anger.
Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem via

Some people treat their partners like objects. If they’re constantly checking out others, refuse to engage with you, or act like they’re entitled to your time and attention, you might be in a toxic relationship. 

Unequal Effort

man on couch with beer, chips, and tv remote who looks lazy
Photo Credit: Nomad_Soul via

They say relationships should be 50/50, but sometimes one partner finds themselves giving 100% constantly while their partner only takes. 

You might be in a relationship with a user if you bring the paycheck home while doing all the emotional, mental, and domestic labor. They don’t love you; they love that you take care of them. 

He Lies About Political Beliefs

woman on a date facing camera with an expression of disdain about her date
Photo Credit: CREATISTA via Shutterstock

If he lies about his political beliefs to score a date, what else will he lie about? Find out why men lie about politics and why women refuse to date them

They’re Financially Abusive

profile of sad woman on couch looking away from camera
Photo Credit: fizkes via

Financial abuse is all too common, but often kept quiet because people don’t realize they’re being abused. Learn the signs of financial abuse to protect your loved ones

Stay Happy – Avoid Relationships All Together

happy carefree woman in a field
Photo Credit: Maria Markevich via

You don’t have to get married and have kids to be happy. The life script isn’t for everyone. Here’s why you should ditch it and do your own thing

Author: Melanie Allen

Title: Journalist

Expertise: Pursuing Your Passions, Travel, Wellness, Hobbies, Finance, Gaming, Happiness

Melanie Allen is an American journalist and happiness expert. She has bylines on MSN, the AP News Wire, Wealth of Geeks, Media Decision, and numerous media outlets across the nation and is a certified happiness life coach. She covers a wide range of topics centered around self-actualization and the quest for a fulfilling life.