23 Types of Witches Empowering You To Appreciate the Craft

Witches are real, and they walk among us.

Fear not, though. The historical stigma against witches betrays the craft. Although there are many different types of witches, none are demon-worshipping seductresses, feasting on babies, and leading men to their doom.

Here are 23 different types of witches you may encounter while exploring your spiritual journey.

Green Witch

A happy older woman waters plants in her garden.
Photo Credit: Halfpoint via Shutterstock.com.

Green witches (sometimes called hedge witches or garden witches) love plants, herbs, and growing things. Their natural green thumb keeps their gardens overflowing with Earth’s bounties.

Green witches are experts in herbology. They know exactly which plant to use for what purpose and can forage the woods for any missing ingredient.  

Sea Witch

A happy woman playing in the sand where the waves crash ashore.
Photo Credit: Maria Markevich via Shutterstock.com.

Swap bounties of the Earth for bounties of the sea, and you’ll find a sea witch. These witches love the water and everything that flourishes in it.

Sea witches use seaweeds, salt water, and other resources from the great oceans (or lakes) to work their magic.

Kitchen Witch

A pot on the stove with glowing green smoke coming from it to represent a kitchen witch's spell.
Photo Credit: fotogruhl via Shutterstock.com.

Kitchen witches hover over their cauldrons, concocting potions and remedies. Of course, that’s just the stereotype.

Kitchen witches typically cook their spells. Although some may create potions and elixirs, others work with everyday foods like bread, soups, and stews.  

Coven Witch

Black and white photo of a coven of witches all wearing black in a forest.
Photo Credit: Trismegist san via Shutterstock.com.

Sometimes witches form groups, known as covens, to enhance their magic. Coven witches rely on the powerful focus created when multiple minds focus on a single goal.

A coven may include various types of witches. The green witch might cultivate the herbs, while the kitchen witch takes the lead in brewing potions.

Typically, covens are small groups of friends who support each other through everything. The magic is just a bonus.

Solitary Witch

A woman sitting cross legged on the ground holding a single candle.
Photo Credit: Zolotarevs via Shutterstock.com.

You don’t need a coven to practice witchcraft. Many witches prefer to work their art on their own. Witches who practice without a coven are known as solitary witches.


A Wiccan pentagram made of wood in circle of wood.
Photo Credit: Vera Petruk via Shutterstock.com.

When people think of modern witches, they typically think of the Wiccan religion. It’s a pagan practice, identifying with pre-Christian European traditions. Although some witches identify as Wiccan, not all do.

The Wiccan religion grew out of England in the 1950s. Though there aren’t any hard numbers regarding practitioners, surveys estimate that they number in the low hundreds of thousands.


A pagan shaman witch offers an animal skeleton to the gods.
Photo Credit: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich via Shutterstock.com.

Numerous Pagan religions embrace witches. Celtic witches may have Irish ancestry and dabble in the lost arts of the Druids. Some may prefer the Greek traditions, worshipping Hecate or Artemis, while others consider themselves Dianic witches, venerating the Roman versions of the Greek goddesses.

Pagan religions existed all over the world, and a variety of other witches may follow some of these secret ancient practices. You can find Pagan witches practicing the Shamanic witchcraft of Native Americans, worshipping Nordic goddesses, or using aspects of Hinduism for their craft.

Traditional Witch

A red headed woman with a black pointy hat that we traditionally associate with witches.
Photo Credit: Subbotina Anna via Shutterstock.com.

The idea of a traditional witch began as a backlash to the popularity of Wiccan practices in the media. Some traditionalists felt new adherents, drawn in by false depictions of the craft, were altering the religion and rebranding as traditional witches to differentiate themselves from the more recent versions.

However, the term may currently refer to any witch who prefers to practice in old ways predating Christianity.  

Ancestral Witch

A woman holds flowers facing down while visiting a graveyard. The woman is viewed from the rear with only her left leg and arm visible.
Photo Credit: Benoit Daoust via Shutterstock.com.

Ancestral witches call upon the energies of their ancestors to refine their crafts. Typically, these witches come from long lineages of powerful witches, but they don’t have to. The persecution of witches throughout history led many women to hide or abandon their crafts, so ancestral witches are happy to revitalize the spirit of feminine power in their ancestors.

Modern Witch

A woman sits on a couch with her laptop open surrounded by witch's spell ingredients to represent a modern type of witch.
Photo Credit: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV via Shutterstock.com.

Modern witches embrace the modern age. They’re open to exploring new ideas about witchcraft and using modern technology to enhance their crafts.

Jenny’s technopagan group in the popular show Buffy the Vampire Slayer showcases how modern witches may use technology for their crafts, but not all modern witches use computers. Some practitioners call themselves modern witches because they enjoy the comforts of the modern world while dabbling in their arts.

Crystal Witch

Crystals and gemstones arranged in a ritualistic circle.
Photo Credit: Pam Walker via Shutterstock.com.

New-age witches love crystals. Rocks and gemstones are imbued with various powers, enhancing spell work and helping practitioners ground themselves for their practice.

Crystal witches use agate for strength, citrine for cleansing, rose quartz for love, and numerous other gems to work different types of magic.


A healer working her magic on another woman.
Photo Credit: Dmytro Zinkevych via Shutterstock.com.

Healers are witches who dedicate their craft to the art of healing. They may use various tools used by different types of witches, such as medicinal herbs like a green witch or healing crystals from a crystal witch.

These witches are defined more by what they do than what they use.

Lunar Witch

A woman holds the moon in her hands to represent moon magic.
Photo Credit: Anton27 via Shutterstock.com.

Lunar witches depend on the moon for their mystical energies. Witch’s association with the night and the moon has a long history.

Diana, the Roman Goddess of the moon, had a cult that embraced lunar practices, but moon worship predates even ancient Rome.

Elemental Witch

An elemental witch using a giant bonfire at night.
Photo Credit: Jozef Klopacka via Shutterstock.com.

Elemental witches call upon the earth’s elements while practicing their craft. However, it’s not the chemical elements of the periodic table that we’re all familiar with from science class.

In witchcraft, the elements are fire, water, earth, and air. Elemental witches may use candle magic to represent fire or crystal magic to represent the earth.

Ceremonial Witch

Witches in a forest dressed in white wearing ceremonial wreaths on their heads.
Photo Credit: Jozef Klopacka via Shutterstock.com.

Ceremonial witches thrive on ritual and incantation. They likely have ceremonial daggers to assist them with their spells and perform purification rituals and consecrations as part of their practice.

These types of witches rely on ceremonial magic, using a wide range of tools and materials that align with their specific goals. Chants and rituals help them focus the energy from these objects into their spells.  

Hearth Witch

A red mug and open book sit next to a fireplace. There are herbs and leaves littered about the cozy scene.
Photo Credit: galsand via Shutterstock.com.

Hearth witches, called cottage witches, dedicate their time to the home. Their craft revolves around making a warm, welcoming place for themselves and their families.

Hearth witches put their magic into everything they do for the home. They may tend gardens like green witches or work culinary magic like kitchen witches, which are secondary to maintaining a cozy, comfortable home.

White Witch

A white witch surrounded by white flowers.
Photo Credit: T.Den_Team via Shutterstock.com.

White witches are good witches. They never use magic for evil or even for personal gain. White witches understand the tremendous power inherent in the craft and take great care to ensure their magics won’t negatively affect someone else.

White witches never use curses or hexes and always follow the rule of three, which states that anything you do in witchcraft comes back to you threefold.

Dark Witch

a dark witch holding a raven.
Photo Credit: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich via Shutterstock.com.

Dark witches don’t mind dabbling in the dark arts. Though not entirely evil, dark witches may not care if someone gets hurt by their spell. They employ hexes and curses when the need arises and ignore many of the traditional tenets of witchcraft, which include doing no harm to others.

Although dark witches are what the general public perceives when they think “witch,” the truth is that a true dark witch is very rare. Most witches don’t seek to harm, but you can find awful people in any walk of life, including witchcraft.

Grey Witches

A witch dressed in a grey gown sits in a forest at dusk holding an owl.
Photo Credit: Ironika via Shutterstock.com.

Most witches fall somewhere in the grey. They are human, after all, and very few humans can say they are 100% good all the time.

Grey witches don’t want to harm others but won’t think twice about using hexes or curses to protect themselves and their loved ones. They will cast spells for personal gain, but typically not in ways that would harm someone else for their own benefit. Grey Witches know that taking care of ones self is paramount for a happy, healthy life. 

Fortune Teller

A fortune tellers hands surround a crystal ball.
Photo credit: alexkich via Shutterstock.com.

Fortune tellers (divination witches or augury witches) hone their craft for decoding the future.

Divination witches use a variety of tools to see people’s fortunes. They may look to the stars, using astrology to see what may come, or read the future in tarot cards, palms, tea leaves, and other items. Some use ruins, while others focus on signs from the earth that may foretell events ahead (odd animal behavior, celestial phenomena, strange weather patterns, etc.)

Cosmic Witch

Telescope image of nebulas in the far reaches of a galaxy to represent astronomy vs. astrology.
Photo Credit: Outer Space via Shutterstock.com.

Cosmic witches harness the power of the universe for their craft. Astrology plays a vital role in a cosmic witch’s life. They constantly look to the stars and planets for the best time to perform certain rituals and use lunar energy to enhance their spells.

Baby Witch

A moon sigil and crystals used by all types of witches.
Photo Credit: CreativeFireStock via Shutterstock.com.

Anyone new to the craft is considered a baby witch. Witches don’t have to be born into it or initiated via ritual. Anyone interested in developing their inner power can dabble in the craft.

Baby witches often explore a variety of styles and crafts before honing in and becoming the type of witch that most speaks to them.

Eclectic Witch

A witch wearing a deep purple cloak stands in a forest.
Photo Credit: Ironika via Shutterstock.com.

Many modern witches don’t fall into a specific niche.  They cultivate their gardens and brew potions, focusing on their crystals while looking to the stars for the best time to work certain types of magic.

They embrace all the universes’ bounties, working anything that speaks to them into their spells. Eclectic witches showcase how personal practicing witchcraft can be. They combine what speaks to them in various ways to practice their unique craft.

Most Witches Dabble

group of modern witches to represent celebrating the Night of Hecate (Hecate's Night)
Photo Credit: CREATISTA via Shutterstock.com.

Though many witches may consider themselves hedge witches or kitchen witches, usually, this descriptor only defines their primary form of spellwork.

Hedge witches can take from the sea. Hearth witches can practice elemental magic. Fortune tellers can brew potions.

The only types of witches that fall into neat boxes are those who consider witchcraft their religion. Wiccans and Pagans tend to focus their practices on their religion’s belief system (though even these may vary by sect and coven), but most secular witches do what feels right to them when practicing their craft.

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group of modern witches to represent celebrating the Night of Hecate (Hecate's Night)
Photo Credit: CREATISTA via Shutterstock.com.

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