Time flies, fluttering its wings like a butterfly in the wind. It’s constantly on the move, and the fleeting moments pass us by escaping notice.
These quotes about time will stop you in your tracks and inspire you to stop and savor the moment you’re in.
Don’t Waste It
The value of life rests in the time we have here. Make the best of it, and don’t waste a second.
Enjoy Your Time
Others love to tell us when we’re wasting time on trifles, but if you’re having fun, the time isn’t wasted.
Life’s Too Short
Bennet makes a great point. Life is too short to waste precious time on pointless drama.
Wasting Time
Don’t waste time on people who aren’t going to listen. Senseless arguments only leave you frustrated. Your time is better spent elsewhere.
People Won’t Change
We spend far too much time hoping someone will change into what we believe they can be. If they wanted to, they would. Stop wasting your time with people who don’t want to change.
Time is Distance
We can traverse any distance except time. We can never return to something in the past.
Time Changes Everything
Time doesn’t change things. Things change with time because people make the changes happen. You could make changes happen too.
A Weird Relationship with Time
At the end, we always wish we had more time. So why do we waste the precious days we have?
Don’t Dream of Someday, Do it Now
Stop wistfully thinking of someday and start making your “someday” happen.
No Time Like The Present
“The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The English language abounds with adages about doing something now rather than later because it’s true. Act now. Start now. Stop putting things off for a later that may never come.
Stop Thinking, Start Doing
We often spend too much time thinking about doing things and not enough time actually doing them. Some of that is the fear of getting things wrong or the desire for perfection.
Remember, perfection is the enemy of progress, and anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. So start now and stop worrying about it.
What is Busy?
Busyness makes time fly, but the more important aspect is what we spend time doing. Are we keeping busy to while the hours, are we spending time on things that are meaningful to us?
It’s the Moments that Matter
We’re always chasing the big milestones, but most of our lives are made up of the little moments. Find ways to bring joy to your small moments.
Things Change
Have you ever left your hometown for a few years, only to come back to find everything is different? It didn’t feel like you were gone for so long. It’s only when you return you see how much time changed things.
Do Something Different
Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So why are you reliving the same year over and over?
Do something different. Take chances. Explore. If you don’t, you’ll wake up one day and realize your best years are behind you, and you’re no longer able to do the things you thought you’d do “someday.”
Time Flies – Savor Every Moment
They often say time flies, and that’s true. We’re often so busy we don’t even notice the days and years slip away.
Yes Time Flies – But Here’s How To Savor Every Moment
Don’t Waste Your Time Here: Find Fulfillment in Life
With the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often forget to take time to do what makes us happy.
Here are 37 tips to help you live your best life.
Live an Epic Life by Adding these to Your Bucket List
Don’t just exist, live! Here are over 200 bucket list ideas to pursue for an epic life.
Invest in Yourself to Achieve Your Dreams
An under-rated key to happiness is investing in yourself. You’re worth the time and effort.
Improve Your Life
If you’re not ready for the hard work, take smaller steps that will help you improve your life starting today.
Find out more: How To Improve Your Life Right Now