How to Change Your Life: 33 Ways to Improve Your Life Right Now

Are you happy with your life?

Did you know that you have the power to improve it?

Discover how to change your life for the better starting today. 

How To Change Your Live

Your life is complex, and your struggles unique. Everyone has a different idea of what a happy life entails and has distinct challenges that make changing their life more difficult. 

Regardless of your specific circumstances, there are actions you can take to improve your life. 

They fall into five broad categories:

  • A Desire To Change
  • Developing Healthy Habits
  • Taking Care of Your Needs
  • Self-improvement
  • Embracing Your True Self

Let’s explore each of these and start the journey to a better life. 

A Desire To Change

To change your life, you must genuinely want to change. 

Many people play lip service to change. They say they want things to be different, yet never do the hard work to achieve that goal. 

People say they want to save more money but splurge on evenings out or the latest gadget. They claim they want to get healthy yet refuse to stop eating junk food. 

Saying you want something doesn’t make it so. 

Nothing below will help you if you don’t genuinely want to change. 

Do you want it?

If the answer is yes, read on and learn how to change your life. 

Infographic showcasing some of the ways to change your life.
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Develop Healthy Habits

Healthy habits improve your life. 

Although instilling a new habit takes time and effort, it will eventually be second nature. Our habits become our lifestyle. 

Change your life for the better by developing these healthy habits. 


When you’re feeling down, working out is the last thing on your mind. Moving your body in a strenuous workout sounds terrible. 

Exercising doesn’t have to be harsh. Anything that gets the blood flowing and your muscles moving will help. 

Try something low-impact, like stretching or Tai Chi. Take a few 30-second jumping-jack breaks throughout the day. 

Even a tiny amount of physical activity releases endorphins, reduces stress, and improves physical health. 

When you make it a habit, you’ll see the positive impact on your life. 

Eat Healthier Meals

Your body is a temple, and it deserves proper nourishment. 

It’s far too easy to grab cheap fast food, but it’s horrible for your wallet, waistline, and overall health. 

People say they don’t have the time, money, or energy to eat healthy, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. 

Try simple dinners, like a baked sweet potato with spinach or vegetable stir fry. Use lean meats like chicken breast or salmon. Have cut veggies with peanut butter for lunch instead of a burger. 

Once you learn to cook them, these meals take little time and offer healthy alternatives to junk food. 

Swap a few fatty meals out for more nutritious meals every week to boost your happiness and build healthy eating habits for yourself and your family. 


Meditation changes lives. 

Meditating for just ten minutes daily can reduce stress, improve your mindfulness, keep you calm, and help you resolve life’s most challenging problems

Starting a meditation practice can be difficult for those who’ve never done it. I resisted trying because the thought of sitting still with just my thoughts seemed horrible. 

But I tried it, kept up with it, and after a while, I understood the magic. It helps you know your place in the world and makes you feel whole. 

Meditation takes practice. It’s going to feel weird the first few times. Your brain won’t stop thinking random thoughts, so don’t expect it to. Acknowledge the thoughts, let them flow through you, and move on. Don’t linger on anything.

As you adapt to your meditation practice, you’ll feel less stress and greater well-being. 

Sleep More

Getting enough sleep will change your life. 

Far too many of us attempt to function on little sleep. We stay up too late and wake up too early. Then, we sleep in on the weekends to make up for the gap, but can’t fall asleep on Sunday night. And the cycle continues. 

It’s time to prioritize your sleep. Make an effort to get eight full hours of sleep every night. You’ll be amazed at how much your life improves. 

Drink Water

Water is the magical elixir to wellness, and most of us don’t drink enough. We’re tired, struggling with brain fog, can’t focus, and can’t figure out what’s wrong. 

Often, it’s water. 

The easiest way to change your life is to ensure you’re drinking enough water. Take a refillable bottle with you wherever you go. Swap sugary pop and juices with water. It might not be as tasty, but you’ll be surprised at how much better you feel. 

Create a Routine

Routines sound boring but can help you maintain your new healthy lifestyle habits. For example, go to bed and wake up at the same time each day and eat your meals at the same time. 

Maintain your routine on the weekends.

When you incorporate your new habits into a routine, they become your lifestyle. 

Take Care of Your Needs

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Many of us give and give until there is nothing left, ending up exhausted, overwhelmed, and unsure of how to move forward. 

Your life will change if you start prioritizing yourself and your needs. 

Here are some easy ways to take care of yourself every day, allowing you the space and energy to recharge. 

Practice Self-Care

Establishing a self-care routine can work wonders for your emotional health and well-being. Self-care helps you relax and recharge, ensuring that you’re ready to tackle anything that comes your way. 

Discover some tried and true self-care ideas and watch your life improve. 

Take a Break from Social Media

Social media is toxic. Too much social media use can lead to depression or anxiety. 

The toxic atmosphere comes from two angles. First, it only shows your friend’s highlight reels, making you feel like your life isn’t as good, and second, people share the worst takes possible when they’re safely hidden behind their screens. 

It’s hard to come out unscathed. 

Turn it off for a few hours each day. Talk to your friends instead. Stop comparing yourself to other people’s imaginary lives, and stop consuming rage bait. 

Your life will be better for it. 

Engage with Friends

Friends make life better. Make time for them. 

Grab a coffee or invite them over for lunch. Spend time together. 

Stay in touch via regular texts and video chats if you can’t get together. You’ll be surprised how much a little friend time boosts your mood. 


Your space is a metaphor for your mind. When it’s cleaned and organized, your brain will be too. 

Decluttering your workspace will boost your motivation and help you focus on essential tasks. When you learn to keep it clean, you’ll have improved productivity for the rest of your life. 

Self-Improvement Ideas to Change Your Life

Now that you’ve developed habits and embraced self-care, it’s time to do the hard work to improve yourself. 

These 11 ideas for self-improvement will have positive impacts on your life. 

Open Yourself To Possibilities

Our egos hold us back from so much. We refuse to admit we’re wrong, use confirmation bias rather than facts, and close ourselves off to learning. 

You must remove the protective barrier and embrace growth to change your life. It might be painful, but you must work past the discomfort. 

You will only grow if you allow yourself to. 

Start a Side Hustle

The best way to change your life is to improve your finances. 

Starting a side hustle is the easiest way to make extra money to pay down debt or boost your savings. 

But side hustles have a lot of other benefits, too. They can open you up to entire worlds you never knew existed. You can build a new network of people, learn new things, and enhance your skills. 

Get a Better Job

Life is a massive struggle when you barely make enough money to get by. If you want a better life, you must do the hard work it takes to get a better job. 

Ask friends to help you with your resume and practice interviewing. Find out what skills you need for high-paying jobs and work to cultivate those skills. Put in the hard work now to live the easy life later. 


When lifestyle inflation eats away at your earnings, learning to live with less can significantly improve your life.

Do you really need all those gizmos and gadgets? Does your family need two cars and a five-bedroom house?

The things we own often own us, making it impossible to flourish. Get rid of the stuff you don’t need. Your space will be cleaner, you’ll have more money, and you’ll learn to cherish the important things in life. 

Learn Something New

Learning ignites sparks in us that we may not have known existed, opening doors to new possibilities we never knew existed. 

Wander down those Wikipedia rabbit holes. Watch educational YouTube videos. Take online classes in subjects you love. 

The internet opened up vast opportunities for learning that never existed before. You can learn coding, photography, how to train your dog, the workings of diesel engines, a new language, and so much more online- the possibilities are endless. 

Learning something new promotes personal growth. You never know what tidbit will light that life-changing spark. 

Find a Creative Outlet

Doing something that triggers our brain’s creative side improves our self-esteem and helps reduce stress. 

Explore creative hobbies like crafting, knitting, or painting. Give your analytical brain a rest for a while, and let your intuition take over. 

Start with something easy. Invest in an adult coloring book and zone out for a while coloring. The relaxing activity helps you embrace mindfulness, recharge, and destress. 

Identify Immediate Wants vs. Long Term Wants

It’s okay to splurge on the things we want. What’s the point of working if we can’t enjoy life a little?

But the trick is separating the things we want in a fleeting moment from our long-term desires. 

Do you want to spend ten bucks on nasty fast food or save that money for dinner at a nice restaurant later? Which would enhance your life more? 

Prioritize your long-term wants over your short-term impulsivity. Practice mindful spending to ensure you have the money for what you truly want out of life. 

You probably won’t miss the impulse purchases anyway, and you’ll be happier knowing you can fund the things you really want. 

Ditch Bad Habits

We talked about building healthy habits, but the best way to change your life is to ditch your bad habits. 

Stop consuming junk food. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Give up impulse shopping. Turn off the screens. 

Sometimes, a hobby becomes all-consuming and morphs into a bad habit. People spend all their free time playing video games or gambling and can’t do anything else. You need to break away from your hobby if it takes over your life, even if it would be harmless in moderation. 

These bad habits make us sick, tired, drain our energy, and can harm the people around us. 

Shadow Work

Shadow work forces us to confront the worst aspects of ourselves. 

We are all human and all subject to the failings of humanity. 

Although we experience jealousy, anger, hatred, and greed, we often pretend we don’t, locking away our insecurities and failings so deep within ourselves that even our conscious minds aren’t fully aware of them. 

To change your life, you must dig deep and acknowledge your flaws. Allow yourself to be human and have those flaws. Work to change the ones you can, but accept that no human is perfect. Accept yourself. 

Challenge Yourself

Change comes from breaking barriers and overcoming challenges. 

Many enjoy the quiet comfort of knowing what they can achieve, but these folks can never improve because they never try. 

It’s okay to try and fail. It’s okay to do things poorly the first time you do them. To improve at anything, even life in general, you must put yourself out there and try. 

Seek Help

Self-improvement rarely happens in a vacuum. Most of us need help. 

Family and friends can help us identify our biggest areas for improvement, and a mentor or coach can help us figure out what we really want from life. 

A therapist can help you overcome trauma, conduct shadow work, and understand your subconscious behaviors. 

An accountability buddy can keep you motivated. You don’t have to change your life alone. 

Embrace Your True Self

Your life will change when you stop worrying about what others want and focus on yourself. 

These ideas will help you embrace your true self and change your life for the better. 

Decide What You Want

“It’s okay to live a life others don’t understand”

Society tries to force us into these neat little boxes. Go to college, get a job, find a partner, get married, have kids…it’s the life script everyone wants you to follow. 

But is it what you want?

Do you want a stable job, or do you want to pick up odd jobs while you travel the world? Do you want to get married, or would you rather stay single?

Decide what you want for your own life. Don’t let other people’s opinions of what you “should” do influence you. 

Pursue Your Passion

What are you passionate about? 

Go out there and pursue that thing!

Our passions drive us. They make life worth living. Stop putting them on the back burner and spend the limited time you have on this planet pursuing them. 

Grab our complete guide to finding your passion on Etsy!

how to find your passion book cover page
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Try Things

Many of us are trapped in lives that don’t serve us. We spend so much time trying to obtain society’s idea of happiness that we no longer know what happiness looks like for ourselves. 

The only way to figure that out is to try things. 

Dabble in different hobbies, take classes in a wide range of subjects, read books, and explore new places. 

Life is like a menu, but you can always go back and order something different. 

Ignore the Haters

Sometimes, we have a lot of stress and anxiety because the people in our lives are bringing us down. Whether it be friends, family, colleagues, or strangers on the internet, everyone has an opinion about what we are doing, and some of them aren’t so nice.

If you want to improve your life, tune out the haters. People will always try to tear you down to their level when they see you succeed. They’re like crabs in a bucket. 

Crabs can easily escape the bucket, but if one crab gets close, the others will grab him and pull him back down. They won’t let each other escape.

On the plus side, we aren’t crabs. And we can ignore the people trying to keep us trapped in a bucket. 

You’ll be relieved at how much your life changes when you ignore the folks tearing you down. 

Embrace the Word “No”

How much of your life have you wasted doing things you don’t like to do? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably said yes to things that you don’t want to do, either because you felt bad or were peer pressured into it.

Learning to say no will change your life. 

Saying no to a night on the town when drinks aren’t in your budget isn’t going to destroy a friendship. Politely declining a request isn’t going to kill a relationship (and if it does – the person who is trying to guilt you is probably toxic, and we already talked about removing toxic people from your life).

Don’t take this too far, though. Certain relationships require sacrifice and doing things we don’t necessarily want to do. Go for that walk through the orchard with your partner. Play that game with your child. Only say no to the things that don’t matter to you or the people you love most. 

Cut Out Toxic People

Speaking of haters, some might be close to us. We all have a toxic friend or family member who never has anything nice to say about our hopes, dreams, passions, and achievements.

Some may say family is the most important thing, but I disagree. If a family member or friend can’t be civil to you, you don’t have to engage with them. 

We have made “family” so crucial that we accept all kinds of abuse because they are family. If we learned to set boundaries with toxic people and stop excusing their behavior, they might learn to be less harmful.

And even if they don’t, you don’t have to deal with their toxic behavior. 

Escaping an unhealthy situation is freeing. The sun shines brighter, the sky is bluer, and the flowers are more fragrant. 

Your life will drastically improve when you stop trying to appease toxic people.

How To Change Your Life for the Better in 24 Hours

Do you need a quick fix to get yourself on the path to a better life?

You can’t change your life in 24 hours, but can recharge and put yourself on the right path. 


The most crucial step for changing your life is deciding to change. 

Figure out what needs to improve, and commit to fixing it. 

Your new life starts with a simple decision. 

Go for A Walk

An afternoon stroll through the park is a great way to clear your head, reduce stress, and get a little physical activity. Being outside for a few minutes, breathing the fresh air, is enough to rejuvenate you.

Most people have a small park near their homes, but a short walk around the block will work even if you don’t. 

Getting outside for even a few minutes daily will significantly improve your life.


There’s something magical about turning away from all the hustle and distractions of everyday life and getting lost in a good book. It can take you away from your real life, if only for an hour or two – but sometimes that’s enough to give us a refreshing outlook.

Reading improves our lives by offering fresh perspectives, boosting our creativity, teaching us lessons about the world, and working out our brains. 

Stop scrolling and start turning pages instead. 


Journaling is a secret hack for improving your life. It has well-known mental health and wellness benefits, and it offers a cheap and easy way to boost productivity, explore your emotions, and organize your life. 

Use a bullet journal to track your goals, ideas, and habits. Grab a line journal to set intentions and show gratitude. 

Write your daily affirmations, hopes, dreams, goals, and setbacks. Explore the inner workings of your mind.  

The versatile tool offers a wide range of possibilities for embracing your true self and improving your life. 

Your New Life Starts Today

Changing your life takes effort, but it’s worth it. 

Decide to change your life today; in a year from now, you’ll be astonished at how much better off you are. 

It will only happen if you start today. 


Author: Melanie Allen

Title: Journalist

Expertise: Pursuing Your Passions, Travel, Wellness, Hobbies, Finance, Gaming, Happiness

Melanie Allen is an American journalist and happiness expert. She has bylines on MSN, the AP News Wire, Wealth of Geeks, Media Decision, and numerous media outlets across the nation and is a certified happiness life coach. She covers a wide range of topics centered around self-actualization and the quest for a fulfilling life. 

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