15 Skills We Wish We Could Master

With our busy work schedules and obligations, we often don’t have the time to explore everything we really want out of life. 

We don’t have enough hours in the day to do everything we have to do while exploring what we want to do. While scrolling my favorite sub on Reddit, R/Ask Reddit, I came across a thread getting to the heart of the problem. A user asked others to share the one skill they wish they could master in this lifetime. 

As it turns out, many people share the same goals, and some have niche interests that you might not have considered. Check out some of the best answers; you may even find a new hobby!

1. Learn a Language

man wearing headphones with different country flags appearing to come out of his mouth to represent that he's learning a new language
Photo Credit: pathdoc via Shutterstock.com.

Learning a language was the most upvoted comment, and it appeared numerous times throughout the thread. 

It’s no surprise that more people want to master another language. The US education system fails to teach students languages, and it’s a difficult skill to master as an adult. However, with the rise in globalism, communication will be even more essential than ever. 

2. Play an Instrument

line of guitars on a white background.
Photo credit: Sergiy1975 via Shutterstock.com.

Playing various instruments also appeared numerous times on the thread. One Redditor said they want to master piano but lack the space to practice, while another said they want to learn a language and play guitar. 

Another said it’s not just about learning the instrument, but they want to be able to play it well. 

3. Crochet

yarns, threads, and knitted creatures to represent all types of needlework
Photo Credit: svetlana-81 via Shuttrstock.com.

Sometimes simple pleasures are the best ones. One user said that learning how to crochet a granny square would bring joy to their life. 

4. Woodworking

man measuring wood while woodworking
Photo Credit: Quality Stock Arts via Shutterstock.com.

Artisans can do beautiful things with wood. It’s a skill that takes immense practice and the mastery of numerous tools and instruments. 

One Redditor said they’d love to be able to create custom designs on their own time. 

5. Bird Identification

young girl watching birds with binoculars
Photo Credit: trattieritratti via Shutterstock.com.

Birding is a niche hobby enjoyed by millions of people. There’s even a movie about the challenge to identify the most birds in a year!

There are thousands of bird species native to the US and over 10,000 worldwide. Learning to ID the birds you see in the wild can make a hike more enjoyable. 

6. Glass Blowing

making decorative art glass
Photo Credit: Stefan Malloch via Shutterstock.com.

Every Renaissance Faire has displays of artisans blowing glass, and one Redditor said it’s the top trade they’d want to learn. 

7. Tetris

Man holding phone looking like he's concentrating hard.
Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi via Shutterstock.com.

One Redditor said they want to master the old-school video game for nostalgia’s sake. Tetris involves quick thinking and skill to align the shapes and fill entire lines correctly. 

8. Author-level Writing

Woman at a small cafe table typing on a laptop.
Photo Credit: Cast Of Thousands via Shutterstock.com.

Many of us dream of writing the next Great American Novel. Some think writing is easy and anyone can do it, but this Redditor appreciates the skill required to write a best-selling book. 

 Creative Writing Prompts Can Boost Your Writing Skills

hands typing on a computer with beautiful creative colors flowing out of the keys
Photo Credit: alphaspirit.it via Shutterstock.com.

Want to write a book? Creative writing is a skill that can be developed. Using prompts is a great way to practice. 

Discover how Creative Writing Prompts Can Enhance Your Writing

9. Not Having to Work

happy carefree woman in a field
Photo Credit: Maria Markevich via Shutterstock.com.

Learning how to make enough money never to work again is a skill that can be developed. One Redditor said they’d love this skill to opt out of the workforce. 

Everyone who upvoted the comment or wants to learn the skill for themselves should check out our ultimate guide to achieving financial freedom. 

10. Feeling Happy

smiling happy middle aged woman on a blue background.
Photo Credit: Kinga via Shutterstock.com.

Is happiness a choice? One Redditor mentioned it as a skill they wish they could master. 

Though many say happiness comes from within, it’s also true that our circumstances help or hinder it. It’s hard to be happy when you’re constantly stressed out. 

11. Kung Fu

men practicing martial arts on a red matt
Photo Credit: Nomad_Soul via Shutterstock.com.

One Redditor said they’d love to learn Kung Fu. Mastering martial art takes dedication and athleticism, but the benefit of practicing as a hobby is getting a great workout!

12. Leadership

Woman at the head of a table leading a team of employees
Photo Credit: fizkes via Shutterstock.com.

Some say leaders are born, while others say it’s a skill that can be developed. I’m in the skill camp and believe anyone can be a great leader with the proper training. 

Check out the top skills you need to develop to excel as a leader if you want to master leadership. 

13. Storytelling

Female speaker on a stage with her back to the camera to appear as though she's speaking to a crowd
Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff via Shutterstock.com.

Storytelling is an art. It takes skill to pull people into your tale and have them waiting with bated breath to discover what happens next. 

Those wishing to improve their storytelling games should check out the Moth, an excellent podcast and resource that helps everyone find the storyteller in themselves. 

14. Drawing

female artist drawing a human portrait with pencil
Photo credit: Golubovy via Shutterstock.com.

We all doodle occasionally, but some folks can create masterful works with pen and paper. The good news is you can learn to draw with practice. 

Check out some of our fantastic drawing ideas that will help artists enhance their skills.

You Don’t Have To Be Good At Drawing To Enjoy It

person drawing flowers with pastels
Photo Credit: MartaPo via Shutterstock.com.

Start with simple images you can sketch while waiting in the doctor’s office, riding the bus, or when you have a few moments of free time. 

Don’t worry if it’s good or not, all that matters is you start!

Here are 101 Things To Draw, with Examples Showcasing that Starting is What Really Matters

15. Cooking

Woman tasting a home made soup
Photo Credit: Dean Drobot via Shutterstock.com.

Cooking is a life skill we all need to master. One Redditor said they wish they could make amazing meals; I’m sure we can all relate. 

Although knowing the basics is a great start, learning a few extravagant recipes and showing off our culinary prowess would be lovely. 

27 Creative Hobbies To Help You Learn New Skills

woman working on a cheap hobby, like making jewelry at home, to represent cheap hobbies
Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images via Shutterstock.com.

Develop new skills with a new hobby. Check out an epic list of new hobbies to try.

Read it here: 27 Unique & Creative Hobbies To Enhance Your Life

Learn To Bullet Journal

bullet journal spring spread
Photo Credit: CarmenRM via Shutterstock.com.

Bullet journaling is all the rage. It helps you keep track of your life, improves productivity, and doubles as a fun hobby!

Here are 48 ideas for your bullet journal to help you get started!

62 Cheap Hobbies To Enhance Your Life

cutting pieces for crafting with little craft boxes filled with tiny items
Photo Credit: LanaSweet via Shutterstock.com.

Hobbies don’t have to be expensive. Here are 62 more cheap hobbies you can try to enjoy your life in your spare time!

Read it here: 62 Free and Cheap Hobbies You Can Start Today