The first two years of the 21st century’s rolling 20s were filled with turmoil. The COVID pandemic affected every aspect of our lives, and many of us will never be the same.
Here’s how navigating the health crisis changed us.
Rethinking Work-Life Balance
The pandemic taught us that work isn’t everything. Many of us realized we’d rather have more balance than bigger paychecks.
Growing Distrustful
The government’s and the public’s handling of the crisis makes many of us question whether we’ll still be around in the next five years.
Seeing how millions demanded everyone go to work amidst a pandemic to “save the rich” made us even more jaded about society’s trajectory.
We dealt with a lot in a few short years. Many people feel burnt out and unable to cope with it all.
Staying Home
The pandemic forced everyone to stay home, and many of us discovered we liked it there. We don’t go out nearly as much as we used to, though rapidly rising may also affect our newfound homebody attitudes.
Proving Profits Above People
We all had the inkling in the back of our heads that society values profits over people, but the COVID pandemic proved it. We’re much more aware of just how powerful our corporate overlords have become.
Work Doesn’t Matter
Career-driven people have a newfound appreciation for life outside work. They realized working hard doesn’t matter. Living a good life is what matters.
Cherish the Time Together
Millions of people lost friends and family members during the pandemic. It taught us to truly appreciate every second we have with our loved ones.
Wrong Career
Many doctors and nurses learned that they don’t want to practice medicine anymore after working through the devastating pandemic.
Living Authentically
Life is short, so there’s no sense in spending your time hiding who you are. Living authentically is the best way to live.
Focus on Health
The pandemic forced many to think about how they were treating their bodies. This renewed focus led to healthy changes in diet and lifestyle.
Appreciate Solitude
Some people who couldn’t fathom staying home alone for a single night, much less two years, learned to appreciate the value of their own company.
Giving Up On Libertarianism
Many young people were drawn to Libertarianism as an excellent alternative to the current two-party system. However, the pandemic showed them we need the Government to ensure everyone gets taken care of because people are too selfish to do it alone.
What Really Matters
The biggest takeaway from the COVID pandemic is that life is short, and no one cares about you as much as you do. The only thing that truly matters is living a life true to your own dreams and desires. Many people quit their jobs to pursue their interests because they realized the castle we built didn’t really matter.
Be True To Yourself
To live a happy, healthy life, you must be true to yourself. It can be hard to be ourselves when society wants to force us to be something we’re not. Here are 16 ways to be unapologetically you.
37 Tips for Living Your Best Life
The life you want is within reach! Here are 37 tips to help you live a fulfilling life.
Time Flies – Savor Every Moment
They often say time flies, and that’s true. We’re often so busy we don’t even notice the days and years slip away.
Yes Time Flies – But Here’s How To Savor Every Moment
Improve Your Life
If you’re not ready for the hard work, take smaller steps that will help you improve your life starting today.
Find out more: How To Improve Your Life Right Now
Find Your Purpose
If you’re feeling depressed because your life lacks meaning, explore ways to bring more purpose to your life.
Here’s how to find your purpose.
Source: Reddit