America Isn’t the Meritocracy You Think It Is

American society tricks its citizens into thinking it’s a true meritocracy where anyone can succeed if they try hard enough. A deep dive into what’s really going on will show you that’s not the truth. 

What is a Meritocracy?

Smiling man working on his computer, with smiling woman in the background.
Photo Credit: via

A meritocracy is a system that rewards hard work, skill, and talent. In a true meritocracy, those who work hardest will rise to the top, while those who don’t will settle near the bottom. 

People will get from the system what they put in. 

How America Sells Itself as a Meritocracy

two girls holding up the American flag behind them.
Photo Credit: Red Fox studio via

American propaganda perpetuates the myth that the country is a meritocracy. It’s called the land of opportunity. Parents tell their children that hard work is the key to success. 

People believe in the American dream, which tells them hard work pays off. 

America is Not a Meritocracy

sad looking older man wearing a ballcap that says veteran on it with the American flag as a backdrop.
Photo Credit: ThomasPhoto via

The harsh truth is that America isn’t a meritocracy and has never been. At one point, it may have been considered one (but only for white men), but as inequality deepens, more and more citizens realize the truth. 

Here’s some evidence that America isn’t the meritocracy it claims to be. 

Little Economic Mobility

wooden model of a man stepping on sequentialy higher steps made from coins.
Photo Credit: Jirsak via

In a true meritocracy, people would rise and descend class ranks regularly, despite their parents’ positions. The poor could quickly move up with hard work, while lazy rich kids would fall from grace. 

But that doesn’t happen. 

It’s Getting Worse, Not Better

Upset looking middle aged woman giving two thumbs down.
Photo Credit: pathdoc via

In the early 2000s, a study found that the odds of a child born into poverty ascending to the highest income bracket was only 1%. People born after 1980 have less than a 50% chance of outearning their parents. Economic mobility is a pipe dream that only a few can achieve, regardless of how hard they work. 

Legacy Admissions

smiling man wearing college graduation robes and holding a diploma
Photo Credit: Sean Locke Photography via

You don’t have to be qualified to get into top-tier colleges; you only need alum parents who donate massive amounts to their alma maters. 

Kids of Ivy League alums get priority admissions to prestigious schools, whether they’ve earned it or not. 

Education Unaffordable

Student loan debt burden concept. Woman struggles to climb a ladder resting on school books while carrying a massive box of debt on her back.
Photo Credit: pathdoc via

Higher education is the number one path out of poverty, but it’s quickly becoming unattainable to the poorest among us. Rich kids can go to any school they want without worrying about student loan debt. 

Systematic Racism

A professional black man stands by himself in the office while in the background, his white collegues point and laugh at him.
Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot via

A true meritocracy would reward people regardless of race, religion, creed, or ethnicity. Our society does not. 

Systematic racism prevents people of color from getting ahead. They are mistreated in every aspect of life, from the criminal justice system to human resources. A true meritocracy would reward talent regardless of skin color. 


A woman dressed in a collared shirt covering her ears as if she's ignoring what's happening around her.
Photo Credit: pathdoc via

Women still struggle to get ahead in the so-called meritocracy. Capable women must work harder than mediocre men to compete. They’re labeled bossy or standoffish when men with the same traits get hailed as leaders. Men constantly talk over women, steal their ideas, and refuse to believe in their competence. 

It Takes Money To Make Money

happy woman holding cash in both hands
Photo Credit: ViDI Studio via Shutterstock.

The adage that it takes money to make money is more true now than ever. Investing is essential to wealth building, and buying a home is one of the best ways for the middle class to build wealth. 

People Can’t Even Afford Homes

A family standing outside their new home smiling and showing off the keys.
Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images via

Homeownership is out of reach for many. People pay so much rent that they can’t afford a downpayment on an overpriced home. They can’t afford to save and invest for their future either. 

Healthcare Disasters

A person in a sterile hospital bed on life support surrounded by machines.
Photo Credit: Frame Stock Footage via

We can’t call a country a meritocracy when an illness can destroy their life. Our healthcare system prevents the sick from getting healthy, effectively preventing them from competing. It’s also a leading cause of bankruptcy. 

People aren’t falling in class because they’re lazy. They’re failing because they can’t afford healthcare. 


Wealthy couple driving a fancy car.
Photo Credit: Nejron Photo via

Remember the teenager who was so rich they didn’t understand the consequences? This should be proof enough that we don’t live in a meritocracy. 

Citizens United

A faceless businessman holding up two workers on puppet strings, showcasing that they're simply puppets in his quest for profits.
Photo Credit: Sergey Nivens via

In a truly equal society, all citizens would have an equal say. We claim that’s true with the one-person-one-vote system, but it doesn’t work that way. 

Money buys politicians. It buys laws and regulations. Those who have money get to make the rules, and those rules often benefit themselves while harming those with fewer resources. The Citizens United Supreme Court ruling made it worse and was one of the final stakes in the coffin of American meritocracy. 

Growing Wealth Inequality

Wealth inequality concept. A business stands on a huge pile of coins, towering over the workers beneath who hardly have any coins.
Photo Credit: Hyejin Kang via

Look at the growing wealth gap for more evidence that America isn’t a meritocracy. Does anyone honestly believe that billionaires are so much better than everyone else that they deserve the massive amounts of wealth they hoard?

Or does the growing inequality highlight that America is not a meritocracy? The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, despite how hard either work. That wouldn’t be possible in a true meritocracy.

Yes, There is a Real Poverty Trap in America

hands holding an empty wallet to represent poverty
Photo credit: StanislauV via

We often think of third world countries when we talk about poverty, but it’s thriving right here in the US.

Here’s the truth about America’s Poverty Trap.

America’s Toxic Work Culture Must Change

Stressed looking businessman surrounded by mountains of paperwork.
Photo Credit: Stokkete via

Our work culture prevents us from leading happy lives. Here’s the problems with American work culture and ways to address them

Generational Poverty

A woman on the street in Portland holds up a sign saying she's a single mom and needs help.
Photo Credit: Victoria Ditkovsky via

Poverty is a generational problem. Here’s how folks get trapped in cycles of generational poverty

US Citizens Can’t Even Get Sick

tired senior woman working on the computer.
Photo Credit: Ground Picture via

The best country in the world should allow people to get sick, right?

America doesn’t. Here’s the harsh truth about sick leave policies in the United States.